


Beautang Series provide Slimming & Collagen Products, Hair Care Products and Skin Care Products. All products of Beautang series are come from Beautang Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Beautang Series was established with the vision to administer the distribution of reputable, health food supplements, Healthy Slim and Healthy Collagen.

We are a leading fully integrated marketer of slimming supplement Healthy Slim and Healthy Collagen, our flagship slimming product and market leader in dietary food supplement brand.

31-10-2010 14:29









Beautang Healthy Slim RM258/box  Sabah&Sarawak RM268/box  Singapore $118/box
Healthy Slim是Beautang健康的减肥饮食方案,为您提供一个即使不运动也能健康和轻盈的身材。
它包括 Beautang两个主要产品 - 健康苗条和健康苗条之夜。它能够让您宁保持在一天相当于1200卡路里的热量,
并帮助您在两个星期至少减去五公斤。 健康苗条早晨是营养早餐,健康苗条之夜是作为一天排毒功能。

·         无副作用
·         无合成化学
·         100%天然
·         排出废物
·         保持水分
·         排毒及减肥

Healthy Slim is Beautang series of slimming dietary programme which provide you a healthy looking and slimmer figure, even without exercise. It include 2 main products of Beautang - Healthy Slim Morning and Healthy Slim Night which is able to maintain calorie equal to 1200kcal in a day and help you lose at least 5 pounds of weight in 2 weeks. Healthy Slim Morning as nutritious breakfast and Healthy Slim Night function as detoxification for the day.

Remove your fatChin Fat, Back Fat, Arm Fat, Waist Fat, Hip Fat, Thigh Fat, Leg Fat
·         No Side Effect
·         No Synthetic Chemical
·         100% Natural
·         Expels Wastes, Water Retention
·        Detoxify & Lose Weight


美国 LEPTIN "瘦身真简单,效果显著"

<>Price RM65 per boxContents: 18 sachets of 10 grams
Leptin Green coffee 1000 is the successor of Green Coffee 800 with updated formula and double action. This supplement is developed from green tea, caffeine and a blend of herbal extracts. Its completely free of drugs.
Green coffee 1000 is more concentrated than Green Coffee 800. It reduces appetite and stimulates the body to burn fat, so you can lose weight quickly and responsibly. Besides weight loss, Green Coffee 1000 has an anti-aging effect, purifies the intestines and is positive for people with skin problems like acne.
Ingredients: green tea, caffeine, calcium, chromium Picolinate, Panax ginseng root, antioxidant polyphenols and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
Dissolve 1 sachet in 100 ml of hot water (1 cup)
+ After 20 minutes you can have breakfast
Price RM40 per box
 Leptin Green Coffee 800 
Leptin 極速燒脂減肥咖啡
功 效:來自美國的極速燒脂減肥咖啡勁量消脂配方,全效分解脂肪,服用量少,對人體無毒
•加強脂肪分解 •促進脂肪燃燒
•阻止脂肪合成 •促進體內環保
成 份:即溶咖啡、枳實、生薑精華、荷葉素、野玫瑰精華、深海甲殼素、月季花精華、維他
用 法:服用前將一包咖啡倒入杯內,加入85攝氏度(100ml-150ml)的熱水攪拌,即可飲用。
規 格:5克/包,18包/盒
Leptin Green Coffee 800
Efficacy: Green Coffee 800 original formula is a drug free, instant style beverage containing a blend of herbal extracts to assist weight loss. Used in conjunction with a healthy diet plan, Green Coffee 800 is designed to curb your appetite and stimulate your body in readiness to utilise fatand burn calories. The extracts and minerals used in this product have been sourced from far reaches of the globe to make this unique and all natural herbal green coffee and green tea formula available from Slimming Green Coffee Australia Pty Ltd. Green Coffee 800 contains the anti oxidant qualities necessary to assist thermogenesiswhich is the effect of increasing metabolism of fat. Chromium increases carbohydrate burn and metabolic rate and Panax Ginseng helps to maintain energy levels while dieting.Main Ingredients: Coffee 60%, Green Tea Leaf Standardised Extract (Antioxidant),                              Polyphenols, Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG),                              Asian Ginseng Root Standardised, Calcium.                             Total naturally occurring caffeine content equals 50mg.Net Content: 18 packs/boxUsage: Take 1 pack with a glass of water, once a day, 30minutes before breakfast.             (For beginner, half pack per day at 1st week.)Applicable Group: Persons requiring reducing weight and body weight-control due                              to excess nutrition,lack of exercise, and many social activities                              for over eating and drinking.Suitable Age: For use by persons aged between 18 - 60 years old.Storage: Keep away from places of high temperature, humidity and direct sunlight.                Consume on opening of packets.Shelf Life: 24 monthsRecommended Use: - Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.   This will help eliminate toxins from your body and replace them with essential fluids.- Combine healthy diet and regular exercise to achieve maximum benefits.- It is recommended that you should continue taking this product for  at least 30 days or until you reach your goals.Precaution: Not suitable for children under 16 years of age,                    those suffering from cardiac conditions, high blood pressure or diabetes.                    Not recommended during pregnancy or nursing mothers(breast feeding).                    If there is any sensitivity to this product or if under any medication please                   consult your health care professional. This is not intended to diagnose,                    treat, cure or prevent any disease.                   It will assist you in losing weight, along a good eating program.
Price RM54 per box
Weight Loss Dried Plum is a natural healthy food, with no side effects, made from edible herbal plants such as Yunnan Puerh tea and Lotus leaves. It is prepared especially with dried plums and active lactobacillus.
Ingredients: Active Lactobacillus, Lotus Leave, Dried Plum and Puerh Tea
Active Lactobacillus maintains a healthy digestion system and keeps optimal blood pressure level. Helps you receive the correct amount of good and bad bacteria to your body. Also promotes mineral and vitamin absorption and stimulates the immune system.
Lotus leaves is considered a natural herb with wonderful curative characteristics, as healing bruises, reduces muscle spasm and stops bleeding. 
Lotus leaves eases fever and assists the digestion system.
Dried Plum is rich in antioxidant and fiber and helps maintain a healthy digestion system and lowers the risk of colon cancer. Also helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar level. Puerh Tea (aged tea) is a great fat burning weight loss product.
It is known for its ability to assist in the digestion of fatty foods, increases metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels. Puerh tea absorbs the cholesterol until it reaches the digestive system. This means that the body does not absorb the fat even though the food was eaten. Puerh tea outperforms green tea in this case.
Directions: Take one piece after dinner
Important: This product is not suitable for children, pregnant woman and people having serious gastrointestinal ulcers.
* This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease.
功 效:安全,無任何副作用
净 含 量:10克一粒,15粒/盒
Price RM55 Per Box
Leptin HCA Weight Loss Milk Tea 
A single box has 15 sachets x 10g.
is a new product from the Leptin Range, is unique from the other Leptin Tea products available as it is a powdered sachet product and not tea bag form.
This product tastes amazing and is a very well performing Leptin product. HCA (Hydroxy Citric Acid) is produced in South Asia from the exract of a tropical fruit known as Garcinia Cambogia.
Many United States clinical medical studies suggest the extract from Carcinia Cambogia may reduce the formation of fatty acids to reduce the appetite, reduce generation and accumulation of fat.
Ingredients: 10g sachet contains: HCA Garcinia Cambogia extract, Green Tea, Su-hydrated citric acid, Su-cola fruit concentrate, Su-enrichment parsley.
Directions: 15x10g Sachets per box, one per day served as traditional tea, add sugar and/or milk if desired. Consume 30 minutes before breakfast; drink a minimum 2 liters of water per day.
Precautions: Not for pregnant or breast feeding women, not for children under 12 years of age, not for individuals with any condition or on any medication consult your physician before starting any new product or dietary plan.
*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and disease, medical or physical condition. When used with a healthy diet plan, amazing results may be achieved. Results of individuals may vary.
Leptin HCA Weight Loss減肥奶茶
Price RM48 Per Box产品都是纯天然的,无副作用,不会腹泻。但大部分人会感到口渴,这是正常的。因为燃烧脂肪需要消耗大量水分,您只要多喝水,补充充足的水分就可以了。这几款减肥咖啡在过去的一年里,在美容院,实体店和批发客户那里都销售的非常好。请各位顾客放心购买。极速功能表 ·加强脂肪分解         ·促进脂肪燃烧 ·阻止脂肪合成         ·促进体内环保 适用范围   单纯性肥胖、青春期肥胖、产后肥胖 不适宜人群 儿童及孕、乳妇 注意事项 * 本品并非治疗或预防之药物,效果、进度和反应因人而异 * 所有人士不宜长期进行减肥,应注意均衡饮食及作适量运动 * 减肥期间如发现体重下降过快,可减半量服用   以下人士在瘦身前,应先咨询医生之意见 * 长者、小孩及长期病患如心脏病患者 * 孕妇及授乳妇女 * 患上伤风感冒、发烧等人士应待康复后重新服用
功 效:快樂減肥,效果顯著
新一代的減肥食品--原裝美國進口Leptin HCA減肥奶茶
為減低人體熱量的吸收或發生而努力, HCA(Hydoxy citric acid)
是来自一种原产于南亚的热带果实,称为Garcinia Cambogia的水果中萃取来得,